“Results and advice.”

“Your challenge is our passion.”


Beside multidisciplinary knowledge and advice, we offer specialized services with regard to some themes, namely:

[qode_accordion style=”toggle”][qode_accordion_tab title=”Operational Management”]

Every entrepreneur would like secure the company and at the same time the people and resources for the growth, in an as efficient way as possible. It is herewith important to have a good strategy, clearly formulated goal. We help your with the formulating of your goals and strategy in a clear way and the further interpretation of your operational management.

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After the credit crisis, risk management only increased, namely within the financial sector. Stakeholders expect from companies and institutions that they manage risks that influence the realization of objectives in a well-considered way, both positively (make use of chances) and negatively (prevent threats). The extent, to which organizations are successful in this, is determined for an important part by the way in which risk management is part of the normal daily operational management and the corporate culture. Only then, the organization is able to anticipate and to react quickly on the changes on the market. We help you among other things with the making of inventories, prioritizing and managing of your risks beside the embedding of risk management in the total organization.

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Family businesses constitute the engine of our economy with the SME Branch. There are about 260,000 family businesses in the Netherlands, which are responsible for almost 49% of the employment. These companies are good for almost 53% of the GDP. Despite everything however, the family component influences the management of the family business. We would like to help you with:

  • The drawing-up of the family statute
  • The managing of a family and a company
  • Costs reduction and growth
  • The managing of succession
[/qode_accordion_tab][qode_accordion_tab title=”Start-ups (enterprising, financing, sustainability, organizational structure and ICT)”]

The economy picks up again slowly and that can be noticed at the foundation of various start-ups. Every “young” entrepreneur would like to be busy with his passion and not with the preconditions regarding the start-up. Diaspora Consulting Group would like to help you with the request for your financing, the structuring of your organization and administration, your ICT wishes like the building of your website, your corporate identity and the development of your logo.


The advice from Diaspora Consulting Group is tuned to the needs, wishes of the client, and comes about after thorough analysis. We let quality prevail over quantity.

We do not shy away from your questions, issues or challenges with regard to the subjects above.On the contrary: “Your challenge is our passion.”